12 posts tagged with "amazon athena"
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How do I read data from Cross Account S3 Buckets and Build Hudi Datalake in Datateam Account

Query cross-account Hudi Glue Data Catalogs using Amazon Athena

Learn How to restrict Intern from accessing Certain Column in Hudi Datalake with lake Formation

How to detect and Mask PII data in Apache Hudi Data Lake | Hands on Lab

How do I identify Schema Changes in Hudi Tables and Send Email Alert when New Column added/removed

Bring Data from Source using Debezium with CDC into Kafka&S3Sink &Build Hudi Datalake | Hands on lab

Getting started with Kafka and Glue to Build Real Time Apache Hudi Transaction Datalake

Build production Ready Real Time Transaction Hudi Datalake from DynamoDB Streams using Glue &kinesis