Automate schema evolution at scale with Apache Hudi in AWS Glue | Amazon Web ServicesFebruary 7, 2023 bySubhro Bose,Eva FangandKetan Karalkarhow-toschema evolutionamazon
Build Your First Hudi Lakehouse with AWS S3 and AWS GlueDecember 19, 2022 byNadine Farahhow-touse-caseapache hudiaws s3aws glue
Build your Apache Hudi data lake on AWS using Amazon EMR – Part 1November 22, 2022 bySuthan PhillipsandDylan Quhow-tobest practicesamazon
Get started with Apache Hudi using AWS Glue by implementing key design concepts – Part 1October 17, 2022 byAmit Maindola,Srinivas KandiandMitesh Patelhow-tobulk-insertamazon
What, Why and How : Apache Hudi’s Bloom IndexOctober 8, 2022 bySivabalan Narayananhow-todesignbloomindexingmedium
Ingest streaming data to Apache Hudi tables using AWS Glue and Apache Hudi DeltaStreamerOctober 6, 2022 byVishal Pathak,Anand PrakashandNoritaka Sekiyamahow-tostreaming ingestiondeltastreameramazon
Data processing with Spark: time travelingSeptember 28, 2022 byPetrica Leucahow-totime travel querydevgenius
Building Streaming Data Lakes with Hudi and MinIOSeptember 20, 2022 byMatt Sarrelhow-todatalakedatalake platformstreaming ingestionminio
Build Open Lakehouse using Apache Hudi & dbtJuly 11, 2022 byVinoth Govindarajanhow-todeltastreamerincremental processingapache hudi
Build a serverless pipeline to analyze streaming data using AWS Glue, Apache Hudi, and Amazon S3March 9, 2022 byNikhil KhokharandDipta Bhattacharyahow-tostreaming ingestionamazon
Create a low-latency source-to-data lake pipeline using Amazon MSK Connect, Apache Flink, and Apache HudiMarch 1, 2022 byAli Alemihow-tostreaming ingestionapache flinkapache kafkaamazon
Why and How I Integrated Airbyte and Apache HudiJanuary 18, 2022 byHarsha Teja Kannahow-todeltastreamerselectfrom